The maniacal search for winter steelhead is winding down. Our small creeks are steadily dropping, but the larger systems like the Coquille and Umpqua can still produce very good late season action for steelhead anglers nearing exhaustion. The Rogue, Klamath and Umpqua systems are starting to see spring Chinook salmon. Sturgeon are becoming active in the lower Coos, Umpqua and Coquille rivers. Trout season opens on the local lakes and, as the water warms, smallmouth bass and shad can be found on the Umpqua, Coos and Coquille river systems which provide lots of opportunities for family and kid-friendly trips.
You can bring your dad, make him proud on the Coquille River.... |
Wild ones go back, but the smile stayed on the Coquille River.... |
Spitting out limits of hatchery steelhead on the Coquille River.... |
March and that’s a 20 lb. steelhead on the North Fork of the Umpqua River.... |
4 wheel drive, ropes and winches provide solitude and a quality fishing experience at more remote spots.... |