Go time! Steelhead are in and this is by far our most passionate pursuit. It’s all about the adrenaline, Baby! Whether it is a gentle nudge in a sleepy pool or a sudden stop in a whitewater riffle…swing the rod and these fish go full nitro! Weather may vary from ice in your eyebrows to brutally bright sunshine, but once you see that telltale dip in your rod tip...hurricanes pass unnoticed! These fish go from 5-20 lbs and tear you up!
Wild and hatchery steelhead can push 20 lbs on the Coquille River.... |
The fishing gets serious, it’s January on the Umpqua River.... |
A good way to start the new year on the Sixes River.... |
A buck with some shoulders on the Elk River.... |
You can tell it’s his first steelhead ever on the Sixes River.... |